Sunday, January 25, 2015

Sunday- Meal Planning!! Max 30!

This will be the start of my third week with Max 30 BUT I'm a week behind with my workouts (due to an illness and run days) so we are going to repeat week 2.

 (On Saturday I ran my longest distance to date!! So happy! 10K here I come)

Anyways I am prepared this week! I have created a plan this week to I stay on track with Max 30 PLUS continue training to run a half marathon in the spring. 

Here is my plan:
Monday: Cardio Challenge
Tuesday: Tabata Power
Wednesday: Sweat Intervals + 2 mile run
Thursday: Tabata Power
Friday: Friday Fight: Round 1
Saturday: Run 6.2 miles
Sunday: Rest and Stretch 

Along with creating a workout, I completed my meal plan for this week! It's simple and easy so it will be a piece of cake ;) to stay on track. 

As I was making this meal plan I remembered how hard it seemed in the beginning to make one. I had no idea about what to eat, how much to eat, or how to keep it budget friendly. Here are a few tips I have for beginner meal planners like me!
#1- keep it simple! Don't change up your snacks/breakfast everyday. Keep most snacks, lunch and breakfast pretty similar throughout the week. This will cut down on your grocery bill and make prep easy! 
#2- change up your dinners. If you are going to eat the same things for most of the day, make sure dinner is different. Generally I try to give us a wide variety for dinners. I get sick of eating the same foods pretty quickly so this helps cut that out. 
#3- look in your refrigerator and make a meal plan around those things. The last thing you want to do it have to buy all the ingredients for a dish! If you have chicken and broccoli, make a meal with that! Use up all of last weeks items so you avoid wasting it and it will save you money! 
#4- know your weekly schedule. Don't schedule to make a big dinner on the night your daughter has dance. A salad or a sandwich would be best! It will stop the excuses of why you can't stay on track and take the stress out of cooking because you will already have a plan. 

And lastly

#5- know how much you should be eating and WHAT you should be eating. You can check out my FREE clean eating guide to help you with what foods and how much. I'll be honest before Max 30 I really didn't stick to a meal plan nor did I create many. It was hard to figure out how much I needed of each thing. Once I got the Max 30 nutrition program it made it completely clear what I needed. There was no guess work and I could whip up a meal plan very easily. It has been my saving grace! 

I hope that will help you a little in creating your own meal plan! I'm telling you- it will make your life so much easy to have a plan!! 

Happy Sunday and I hope you all have an amazing week!!! 

(Starting reading Go Pro by Eric Worre today!! So far it's an awesome read!)

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