Sunday, April 12, 2015

3 Day Quick Fix

Let's talk about the 3 Day Quick Fix. I did this mini eating plan last week on Thursday, Friday and Saturday to prepare for my upcoming photo shoot on Monday! I am so excited but also wanted to lean out and de-bloat before it! This plan is perfect for someone wanting to lose a few pounds, detox from sugar or high carb diets, even get your digestive system back on track. I would strongly suggest this program to anyone who is near the end of their fitness program, adding this plan would boost their results and make the most out of all their hard work. This would also be great for getting wedding ready or to kick start your health and fitness.

Before I go into my results let me give you all the details and the meal plan!

*Space your meals about 2 to 2 1/2 hours apart

*Steamed veggie options recommended are broccoli, asparagus, green beans, zucchini, cucumbers, or bell peppers

*Seasonings allowed are lemon and lime juice, vinegars, and spices. Reframe from using salt!!

*Oatmeal can be flavored with cinnamon, nutmeg or ONE packet (1/2 tsp) of Stevia

*Drink at least one gallon of water a day. Spread it out as much as possible. Start with a warm cup of water with fresh squeeze lemon juice first thing in the morning.  Drinking enough water will be crucial and help you feel full while it flushes toxins from your system.

*Drink the extra-virgin coconut oil with meals (I use Organic Spectrum Extra Virgin Coconut Oil). To prepare it, place the desired amount into a microwave save bowl and cook it for 10 to 15 seconds or until melted.

*Coffee or tea is okay to drink, but avoid creamers and sweeteners - except stevia. Again, you can use one packet or 1/2 teaspoon.

*There is no need to alter your workouts. The 3 Day Quick Fix can be used anytime. It is also recommended using it during the last three days - and ONLY THREE DAYS for maximum results!

So this meal plan is pretty strict but don't concentrate on that. Even I made a few minor changes here and there and still saw amazing results.

Here are the changes I made:

Breakfast was exactly the same everyday which I actually didn't mind at all. I'm normally a person that needs variety but this worked for me! I did have my coffee each morning!! 

For Meal 2 I used Shakeology  and just ate the yams on the side. You know I can't go a day without my shakeo :)) plus its a red container anyways so I was still getting the protein as recommended! This also gave me a meal where I didn't HAVE to cook. As I already had my yams steamed, all I had to do was make my shake and heat up the yams. Perfectly easy for so early in the day!

Me with one of my favorite recipes!
1 scoop chocolate shakeology, 1 cap full of almond extract,
1 tsp. cinnamon, water and 4 ice cubes!

Another change I did was the fish. I only ate it once per day. Eating fish twice seemed a bit much and I honestly didn't know if I could do it. I did however eat a chicken burger in its place for Meal 3. You can find my recipe here >> Spinach Chicken Burgers . Yes I know this doesn't exactly follow just eating a lean protein but I needed something I could make ahead of time and just reheat it. This worked for me and I didn't have to waste the ground chicken I had in the fridge :)

One more change I made was to the protein for Meal 6. I changed it to chicken since that is what I had in hand.

I know this meal plan can seem super strict BUT one way to combat that is by using SPICES to change up the flavors. Steer clear of salt but everything else is fair game! Be careful of the premixed spices as most tend to have salt in them!

Here is my favorite spice mixture for the FISH and CHICKEN.

Sprinkle each of these ingredients onto your protein. You don't need a lot! Just a sprinkle!

Fresh cracked Black Pepper
Garlic Powder
Onion Powder
Dried Basil

Meal 5 with my seasoning mixture from above
 and steamed zucchini!

The best part was the results. 

I will be the first to say that I didn't weigh myself before I started. I wasn't looking to lose weight nor did I want to so I totally wasn't even thinking about it. SORRY! Next time I will :)

How I FELT and LOOKED however was amazing!! First off my stomach felt perfect! No bloating or uneasy feeling. I was eating all day it seemed so I was never hungry or overly full. My stomach was flat and my abs were actually starting to poke through which is extremely exciting after having three babies! I was full of energy and could feel a huge difference in my digestive system.
This was Friday! I was feeling amazing! The bloat was
completely gone and I felt full all day!

If you are considering doing this plan I would love to support you while you do it! Sometimes all it takes is knowing that someone is there to help and keep you accountable in order to finish and not cheat! I will be your person! Shoot me an email ( or fill out the contact form at the bottom of this page and I'll be in touch.


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