Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Don't be Afraid.

Don't be afraid to start where you are. Don't be scared to take your before photos. It's these photos that will show you how far you have come. Someday, you will look back and not even recognize the other person in the photo. You will have changed for the better. You will be healthier: mind, body and spirit. It's good to see where you have come from.

I was there too. I know what it's like to feel uncomfortable in your own skin. I know that gut wrenching feeling as you walk into your closet dreading trying to find an outfit because you know nothing fits right. In the end, you throw on a sweatshirt which even further drives your shame in your body into your heart. I know how it feels to cross your arms over your belly or grab a pillow or your purse to hide it. 

I want you to know that your future is 100% in your hands. Beyond all the excuses and fear is a strong, confident woman struggling to get out. It's time to make a change and let her out. As your coach I want you to know whole heartedly that YOU deserve to feel your best everyday. 

Are you ready? I want to help. Email me at jaclyncrowellfitness@gmail.com I'm here for you and will be for as long as you need. If you are in 100% in, so am I. 💕

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