Friday, April 10, 2015

Stop and Think

It's pictures like these that make me stop and think about how far I've come since I started this journey almost a year ago.

I've learned that--

* the negative comments about yourself are more detrimental than anything.

* confidence doesn't come from what size you are or aren't. It comes from accepting yourself and truly loving the person you are, inside and out.

*feeling happy and healthy are priceless.

*being around by 1 person who genuinely cares about you is better than being around 10 who have no clue who you are.

*exercising is the best stress reliever and mood booster ever

*good food= happy body

*healthy comes in different sizes
The picture on the left is of the 15 year old me. The picture on the right was taken today. The difference between these two pictures goes way deeper than just what you can see.

In high school and pretty much most of my adult life I struggled with my weight and how I looked. I would often compare myself to my peers and always ended up feeling worse about who I was. My confidence was at an all time low and I let negative thoughts about myself consume my life.

Now I feel happy and healthy. Im stronger both mentally and physically because of the things I've done over the past 11 months. I've found my confidence and now when those negative thoughts creep in I quickly hush them with positive affirmations. I am not ashamed of my body. I am proud of what I have been able to achieve after having three babies.

What happened that prompted this change? Beachbody. I can say without a doubt that through the support, accountability and love I've received I was able to pick myself up and better myself as a person. Inside and out I am changing and it's been an amazing journey.

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