Friday, September 30, 2016

Week Two- 21 Day Fix Extreme

First, I'm sorry for not updating you sooner! My weeks are just flying by! ANYWAY- my second week of 21 Day Fix Extreme has been moving along quite well! This time my legs weren't as sore but my upper body was. Its so crazy how different moods going into your workout can change how hard you workout. This week I really struggled with staying positive and motivated. I started to workout with the hubby again and it was like a breath of fresh air. Sometimes we just need to change up our routine to keep moving forward. 

Here's a little sneak peek of my week--

New Day.
New Week. 
New Start 💕

No matter what happened over the weekend/ in the past, you have the opportunity to change it today. Don't let another day, week, month slip by with saying *tomorrow, I'll start*. 

There is no tomorrow- only today.
Above all else, you have to believe in yourself. 

Believe that you are strong.
Believe that you are worth it.
Believe that you are capable. 

Think with your head & lead with your heart.

It first starts with you.
Take a chance. Believe in yourself. Trust your heart.
"You will always harvest what you plant"
Galatians 6:7
That's the secret 👆🏼
Whatever you put out into this world will come back to you. You reap the harvest of your actions, mindset and beliefs. 
Morning workout with the hubby 💕
Almost half way done with my program!! 🎀

#morningdevotion #morningworkout#reapwhatyousow
Two words ->> LEG. DAY. 
Holy MOLY!!! After the first round my legs were on 🔥!!! Then I had to complete 3 more rounds after that!! OUCH and OUCH!! 
So happy I'm done with that!! Now to stretch like crazy so I don't get too sore or cramp up! 💪🏼
Happy Friday Friends 💟

1 comment :

  1. G-Switch 2 is an infinite ball that
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    problems. Remember, this game has no end. Have fun...
