Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The calm after the storm

Living in Oklahoma has always been fun. In the spring particulary, where there are daily tornado and severe weather warnings. Today was the start of that. 

So we cleaned out our storm shelter and prepared a bag with all of our important documents, extra clothes, diapers, wipes, shoes, food, water and blankets. 

Nothing came above Oklahoma City so we were safe from all severe weather this time but the city of Moore was struck again. That poor city seems to be a tornado magnet!  

After the dark clouds had cleared the most beautiful double rainbow appeared right out it back door. It was absolutely beautiful. Two, full double rainbows! 

I managed to snap a picture of it but it doesn't do it justice. 

This was definitely the calm after the storm. Such a beautiful sight after hearing and seeing the destructive behavior of the tornados that just happened 20 minutes before. 

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