Monday, March 2, 2015

Refresh and Reboot

A few weeks ago, as I was stuffing my face with some Valentine's Day treats, I felt out of control with my eating. I was letting my cravings take over and I definitely had many cravings since Id let my clean eating lifestyle slide a bit. While all those sweets tasted awesome, my stomach was in shambles. From eating too much dairy, processed foods and sugar I was experiencing regular stomach aches and pains that I didn't have before. I was bloated and my face was breaking out like crazy.

So I decided it was time to do something about it! I ordered the 3 Day Refresh and got some friends to join in with me for a 10 day challenge group! 

So yesterday, Sunday, I created my meal plan for the week. The first three days follows the 3 Day Refresh and the last part is sticking to a clean eating diet. In my challenge group we will be talking about tips and tricks for getting through the Refresh and later helping them keep the results they got from the Refresh by using Shakeology and clean eating! 

Here is my 7 day meal plan!!!

As well as making my meal plan I also chopped all my vegetables and made some green tea so it will be an easy 3 days. The nice thing about the Refresh is that you still get to eat regular food. It's not a lot but it definitely helps knowing that it isn't all juice and shakes. I still get my Shakeology for breakfast so that is awesome! 
Today is Day One of the Refresh and I'm so excited to feel GOOD again with no cravings to fight!! 

 Stay tuned for my day one review later!!! So far it's going great :)

***Thinking about joining my next 10 Day Bikini Challenge?! Fill out this form for more information!

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