Sunday, September 28, 2014


Today while reading my personal development I came across a very eye opening message about the idea of "someday, I will..." It hit a cord with me so deeply that I thought I'd share a little of it with you. It goes like this...

"Some day my prince will come..." Good old Walt Disney. Well, that may have worked out for Snow White. Back here on Earth, it's a recipe for disappointment. In flesh-and-blood life, waiting for "someday" is no strategy for success, it's a cop out. What's more, it's one that the majority follow their whole lives.

Someday, when my ship comes in...
Someday, when I have the money...
Someday, when I have the time...
Someday, when I have the skill...
Someday, when I have the confidence...

How many of those statements have you said to yourself? I've got some sobering news for you: "some day" doesn't exist, never has, and never will. There is no "some day." There's only TODAY."

-Jeff Olson (The Slight Edge)

After reading that passage I thought about how many times I've put things off or thought "when I have the money" or "when I have a plan". Do you want to guess how many of those things I have actually accomplished in my life? NONE. That's right. I have never gone back. I have never been READY for those things. It's not because I'm too poor or don't have a plan its because I'm scared to take that leap of faith.

Here's some tough love for you on this Sunday and I know its not easy to hear. I feel the same way but nothing can change unless you are willing to stop saying someday and start saying TODAY.

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