Wednesday, August 17, 2016

New Beginnings... COUNTRY HEAT- Week 1.

Ah this week has been so crazy that I totally forgot to update you all on the NEW program I'm starting!! A few weeks back I was talking a lot about a dance cardio routine to country music, called Country Heat and the opportunity you all had to join my Exclusive Test Group!!

WELL, on Monday we kicked off that group with over 25 women from around the country!! It has been such an amazing journey and one that I am so excited to share with you! 

First up- what does my nutrition plan look like?! 
I don't know if you know this or not BUT your nutrition plays 80% into weight loss or any other kind of results you may want to achieve. SO what you put into your body is SO important!! Below is my meal plan for this week- its SUPER simple and I mainly eat the same things each day but vary dinner. I find that the easier my meal plan, the easier it is to follow through. 

My starting point...
I'm really not super proud of this. These last few months have been pretty hard on me with my IT Band injury then traveling for the past 2 weeks. I can honestly say that my fitness level has not dipped, other than when I hurt my leg - still did upper body work-, and clearly it didn't make up for my awful eating. Its a simple case and point to what I said above. I am not making excuses, I know it sounds like that, I am simply letting you know what happened. I KNOW life happens and things don't always go as planned. Whats important is that we get BACK on track and not worry about what happened in the past!

Here are my accountability/goodbye/BEFORE pictures...

I am SO pumped up to do this program and really see what it can do! I mean, if I can get back into shape by DANCING-- oh GOSH! Can you imagine the possibilities?! 

If you want to continue to follow my journey with weekly meal plans, updated pics & my review of the week be sure to hit the subscribe button!! 

Also- don't be afraid to reach out if you had a question or looking for more details on how to join me!! Just fill out the form and I'll be in touch!


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