Sunday, January 17, 2016

Turn Fitness into a Business

My entire health and fitness journey started when Owen was about 9 months old. At that point, I was losing a lot of weight from nursing but I wasn't happy with the way it all fell back into place. My body was completely different after having three kids in 4 1/2 years and I wasn't feeling good inside or out.
I hated that I had no muscle tone. I hated that I had absolutely no energy and walking a... mile felt HARD. I was 26 years old and I felt 70. I felt lazy and completely out of shape, the worst of all, I wasn't comfortable in my own skin.
It was time for a change. I needed a change.
That is when my friend introduced me to T25, Shakeology and Coaching. At first I was skeptical about the whole coaching thing so I signed up only for the discount.
It didn't take long until I fell in love with the support I received from the challenge group I was in. I can still remember those people and the sense of community that group had. It was perfect. The workouts were short and the mini assignments for the group kept me motivated and accountable.
I was relieved I FINALLY found something I could do on my time with all my kids and never ever leave the house.
In June of 2014, I was ready to show others how I improved my health and fitness. To be honest, I was pumped and really excited to help others because I KNEW this worked. Between the short workouts and Shakeology, I felt absolutely amazing and to have chocolate in the morning GUILT FREE was this mommas heaven!
My little coaching business started to grow and I started making some extra money for my family. It was so nice to contribute even if it was just a little. We would buy groceries, pay a bill, eat out or even pay our car payment with the money I was bringing in with Beachbody.
The best part of coaching is that it gave me a purpose. I was helping others with their goals while improving myself. There was nothing more I could have asked for in a job. Unconventional or not. This was a real job and one that was deeply rewarding.
Fast forward to today- more than a year and a half later, I feel extremely grateful that my friend introduced me to Beachbody. I feel the best I've ever felt in my entire life and I am in more physically fit now, after three kids, than any other time in my life. I don't feel lazy or miserable. I feel strong and excited for tomorrow.
My job is to help motivate, inspire and support people from the comfort of my own home when I am not needed by my children. I get to decide how much I work. I get to be the boss. My goals? To provide my family with financial freedom and be someone they can be proud of. To create a team of people around me who I love and want to work with. To be happy every single day.
So now is where I turn this over to you. You know my story. You know where I started, where I am now and where I'm going. My team needs people who want to be the best they can be, who won't make excuses, who WANT this just like I do for themselves and their family, in the future or now. You don't have to be a nutritionist or a fitness expert. You need to like to help others and want to improve yourself.
If that is you or you feel any curiosity about what I do for a living, consider joining me for a LIVE Facebook Event this Thursday. Link is below!


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