Saturday, December 6, 2014

Friday Night Run

Its Friday night, the Hubby just got home from work, and I had an itch to go running. I was feeling great and didn't get in my T25 workout like I had originally planned. So I decided I would have enough time to get in a 3.2 mile run (I'm going to run at least 3.2 each time so my 5K time will get better) before it got dark. It was about 5:30 pm and super cloudy as it had rained all day. Still I went for it. I was TOTALLY wrong about it not getting dark. About half way I realized there was no way I'd make it home. The approaching darkness definitely helped me run harder I can tell you that!! Our neighborhood isn't well lit and its a little creepy running alone in a new neighborhood. 

On top of the dark I made a quick decision to go down another street. There were tons of Christmas lights that made the homes look beautiful so I took it. So here I was lost in my new neighborhood in the dark. I found a way to cut back to the main street by a drainage thing (lol I have no idea what you call those things!). I hopped on the phone with a friend so at least I could listen to her chat. Best idea ever! 

The plus side of wanting to get home as fast as I could was that I pushed harder than I ever have. Also by running down a wrong street I added some distance onto my run. Overall my splits were the best I've ever had for that distance of run so I'm happy I went but I probably won't ever cut it that close again :)

Once I got home I was relieved. My body was feeling great and still on the running high but I knew that I needed to stretch. I'm always so sore after a run and I wanted to make sure to give my muscles a good stretch. I got out my mat and started. Of course my babies joined in. I have to say its absolutely adorable when my son crawls under to give me a kiss. Aw makes my heart melt!

One stretch I discovered from PiYo is called the Pigeon. Its a stretch where your leg is bent ahead of you while the other is extended fully backwards. This stretches needs to be gotten into correctly so here is how I do it. I start off in a plank position, move to down dog and then bring one of my legs through my arms and sit down on my butt. This move can get a little difficult if you aren't flexible so take it slow and don't push yourself too much! I hold the pose for 30 seconds and go back into down dog. Repeat with the other leg. 

Next time you workout, go for a run or even just need a good stretch try this one out! Its awesome and totally stretches you out! 

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