Tonight I got to experience that.
Today was a typical day. Brought my daughter to school, hung out with my other two kiddos, cleaned, did laundry-- the list never ends for a mom. My mother in law flew in today so the kids were super excited and really not paying much attention to the directions my husband and I had been giving them.
Right after picking up my oldest from school I sneaked out of the house for awhile to go for a run. This is my "me" time. I have this new found love for running so I try and make it out at least twice a week. I did really well too! I ran 4 miles and at a faster overall pace. I was so excited!
Anyways, we all decided to go out to dinner for our 4 year anniversary, that happened yesterday. Of course it's a Friday night at 6:30pm so everywhere is PACKED! We landed at Long Horn Steak House and waited for a table. The kids were great as far as waiting. We were all starving and ready to eat. While waiting I noticed a family standing near us. Their little boy was about the age of my middle child and they had an infant. They were quiet and their children really well behaved. Our little buzzer starting going off and we were ushered to our table.
Dinner was pretty uneventful in the beginning. The kids were being good and actually eating. Everything was coming out fast from the kitchen. Perfect. A smooth family date night, which never happens!
Then it started. My youngest was getting loud and cranky and the other two were just about passed out at the table. As our dinner arrived they informed me that they were out of sweet potatoes for the next 30 minutes so I needed to change my side. For whatever reason I was overly angry about it. Yes, I know it sounds ridiculous. I agree. But all of a sudden the noise my son was making and the fact that they didn't have what I ordered completely changed my mood. Nothing was good enough. My food wasn't that great and I didn't get my damn sweet potato which can arguably be the best thing on their menu. Dinner was coming to a close and my crappy mood persisted.
My husband grabbed our son and headed to bring the car around. While gathering our belongings, the woman from the waiting area approached me. I hadn't even noticed but she was at the table right next to us the whole time. She was holding her baby girl when she leaned in and very quietly said...
"Hey! I just wanted to tell you how beautiful your family is. You are doing an amazing job. I know dinner time can great rough. I just wanted to let you know."
My face flushed, my heart started racing and I was speechless. I managed to squeeze out a a thank you but not much more. I was in shocked. My body was paralyzed by what had happened that I really couldn't react the way I should have. As I walked away I started tearing up. What this woman just said to me meant so much more than anyone could understand. A stranger noticed my struggle and decided to help. She lifted me up and made me feel better when I was being pretty a pretty lousy human being. I mean come on... Who gets mad over a sweet potato!? Apparently me. Not one of my finest moments.
I should have hugged her and told her that she is my saving grace. She single handily plucked me out of my bad mood and made me count my blessings. She gave me that positive attitude I had lost back at the sweet potato.
As we drove home I told my husband what had happened and started tearing up again. I doubt he understands just how that woman helped but I will never forget her and what she did for me. This woman touched my heart. I am forever grateful.
This is what mothers should be doing for each other-- lifting each other up instead of silently judging.
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