I've struggled my entire life to feel happy with my body. I have rollercoastered from gaining 20+ pounds my freshmen year, to adding an additional 30lbs from pregnancy, to dropping from a size 14 down to size 2 dress for my wedding in 2010. From there I got pregnant two more times with more gaining and losing weight. As a result of all of that, my self esteem constantly at an all time low and I felt miserable.
The only time I felt happy was when I was at my thinnest and to be honest, I wasn't healthy. The things I was doing were probably more harmful than good and it the weight loss didn't last for very long.
One moment always sticks out to me-- I was in the dressing room, looking for a bathing suit for our family trip to Florida and literally wanting to cry. I didn't want anyone to see me and I just felt so depressed about the way I looked and felt.
Fast forward-- Insert Beachbody-- and I've STEPPED OFF that rollercoaster.
In 2014, I finally found a plan that worked for me and my family. It was simple, easy to follow, and gave me complete directions on how to eat healthy and in the correct portions without breaking my budget or having to make separate meals just for me. I didn't have to count calories or worry about cutting out food groups. This was a real life, nutrition plan that changed my lifestyle for the better.
As I started to exercise, I found it was therapeutic in that it helped me feel stronger and happier than I ever experienced before. It was relieving my stress and giving me something for ME. I could feel the changes starting to happen and I was only spending 30 minutes a day working out with little to no equipment.
Now that I have been through the trials of figuring this all out, I want to share it with others who suffer from the same things I went through. I'm not saying I'm perfectly happy or that its a magical cure, I'm a work in progress but I can say that I'm finally proud of who I am becoming. I feel healthy, strong and loving the long term results I'm building -- I want that for others.--
My February group starts soon and I'm inviting you. If you have dealt with anything like I have, this is perfect for you. Shoot me a message and we can chat about the details.
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