Thursday, April 30, 2015

Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana

My all time favorite Shakeology recipe...

1 scoop Chocolate Shakeology
12 oz of water
½ banana
1Tbl. PB2 or 2 tsp. peanut butter
4 ice cubes

Throw all the ingredients into a blender and ENJOY!!!

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Banana Chocolate Chip Cookies

Here is a yummy cookie recipe sure to satisfy your sweet tooth while sticking to your clean eating lifestyle!

Dine Out Without Diving Off Your Diet

When you start to eat healthily, dining out, which was once a bliss-filled, belt-notch-loosening pleasure, becomes a culinary terror.

Servings are super sized and smothered in butter. Enormous gallons of soda abound. Fries come with your order whether you want them or not. Very little veggies can be seen for miles. Not bad if you want a SUPER sized meal that probably accounts for two days worth of your caloric intake, but what if you DON'T what that? What do you do?

 No fear, I'm here to help.

 ***Please remember that even with our tips, restaurant dining is almost always going to be less healthy than what you can make at home. Try to limit eating out to once a week and make that meal your cheat. Its nearly impossible to make it as healthy as you could at home.

That said, here are a few pointers:

1. Make smart choices
Almost every menu contains chicken or fish cooked in a healthy way. Look for words like "grilled," "broiled," or "steamed," and avoid "sautéed", "smothered" and "fried."

2. Skip the appetizer
By definition, an appetizer is intended to get your appetite going. But when some appetizers contain more than 1,000 calories, that's not an appetizer—that's a full meal and more! If you do want an appetizer, ask your table if they'd be willing to split one of the healthier options like a salad, bruschetta, ceviche, or anything that's light on sauce and heavy on fruits, veggies, or lean protein.

3. Eat a salad
Greens are also a great option, but not all salads are created equal. Stick with salads that don't contain mayo (in other words, avoid the tuna and chicken salad), and ask for the dressing on the side. This way you can add your tablespoon or two, instead of having your salad drenched in it.

4. Skip the Side dishes
At many restaurants, the "side" is a baked potato, fries, or coleslaw. What does that equal? Unnecessary calories. If you'd like a side, request the salad (dressing on the side), fruit, or steamed veggies, even if you don't see them as an option.

5. No bread
Don't eat the bread. Does it taste good? Sure! But instead of eating something because it's in front of you, swap those empty calories for something you'd actually enjoy.

6. Eat half
Over time, American portion sizes have enlarged to gargantuan sizes. Restaurants often provide you not with one serving of pasta, but with as many as 4 or more. But if you have a hard time not cleaning your plate—after all, the food does taste good—request that the waiter split your order in half before they bring it to the table. That way you can enjoy your dinner as lunch later in the week.

7. No soda
If bread is bad, soda might be worse. That's because it's easy to consume massive amounts of calories fast. And don't even think about going the "diet" route. Those artificial sweeteners aren't healthy, and they can lead you to crave more sugary substances. Talk about a lose-lose! If you want something other than water, ask for unsweetened iced tea. It's calorie free, so you can drink as much as you want!

8. Dessert
Hmmm dessert is awesome but is it worth it? Granted, some restaurants use restraint, and focus more on unique flavors than on quantity, but if you're out with friends at the type of place where the dessert has more calories than your meal, and they insist upon ordering it, suggest the table split it. Then take a single bite and put your spoon down. It's not about denying yourself, but about making smart choices. If you really want dessert, skip the appetizer or reduce the portion of your main course, and again, portions matter. OR skip it and if you're still craving something sweet when you get home, enjoy some yogurt and berries or a piece of fruit.

9. Watch your Alcohol Intake
Alcohol inhibits your judgment and is VERY high in sugar. But if you do have an alcoholic drink with a meal, reduce your other carbohydrate intake. Best choices for alcoholic drinks are a glass of wine and light beer. Choose plain liquors, like vodka, whiskey, or gin, with low-calorie mixers, such as club soda, instead of jaeger or kahlua. Avoid mixed or specialty drinks like piña coladas or mai tais—they’re loaded with calories and sugar.

I hope this will help you make better decisions while eating out. Going out to eat should be fun and about eating good food but that doesn't mean you need to stuff yourself so full that you will sorely regret it in a few hours. Instead make going out to eat about the company that is joining you. Eating slowly and engage in conversations that will keep your mind off the food and on them.

What do you stand for?

If you stand for nothing, you will fall for everything.

This couldn't be more true in all aspects of life. Being successful at whatever profession you are doing takes hard work and dedication. It takes knowing your WHY and having it so deeply rooted in your heart and soul that nothing can take you away from it. Not your excuses, not the hard times, not the criticisms. Nothing can rip you from your goals because you stand for something bigger. 

Today I ran the farthest I've ever run alone by far. For the longest time I believed I couldn't. I believed I needed someone to be there next to me pushing me, but today, I discovered that I don't NEED it. When it comes down to it, I need to be able to do it myself and today I did. 

The same goes for your business or career. Don't rely on someone else to push you, to motivate you. Yes, it's good to surround yourself with mentors and leaders. However, it all comes down to YOU and how deeply YOU want it. They can dont it for you. 

Don't be scared to try something new, don't let fear hold you back. Find your wings on the way down and FLY. 

Stand for something greater than those fears, and the excuses and everything else that stands in your way. Stand for yourself and have a believe so strong that nothing can shake it. 

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Snickerdoodles for LUNCH!

I'm a total chocolate lover. For months and months I only drank ONE recipe of the chocolate Shakeology. It was my absolute must have every single day, so when I started to get bored of it I was kind of in SHOCK and desperately wanted to find another GOOD recipe I could fall in love with.
So for the past two days I've had this Snickerdoodle recipe and let me tell you-- ITS AMAZING!! Its creamy and sweet just like my favorite chocolate recipe but its VANILLA! Yum and Yum!

I LOVE that it tastes like dessert but it acts like eating 7 salads!! 

 Here's the recipe!

1 scoop vanilla shakeology
1/2 banana
2 tsp. peanut butter
2 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. pure vanilla extract
1 1/2 cup water
4 ice cubes

Blend in a blender and ENJOY!!

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Every Thursday--

I love Thursdays in the Beachbody world! I know, I know, kind of random to be talking about on a Saturday BUT it's one of my favorite days! I get to shout out my team for their amazing work, their rank advancements AND it's payday. 

While I normally don't post about what I earn because that's not why I joined this business, it is an amazing perk. So far this month I have made enough to pay both my student loans and two utility bills. It feels amazing to be earning money for my family to help dig us out of debt. 

Each month I've watched my income steadily grow because I've poured my heart into my team and challengers. 

Do you ever wonder exactly WHAT it is I do as a coach? HOW I have built a business, for 2-3 hours per day, while kids nap?

Now you have an opportunity to learn! I am hosting a 5 Day Sneak Peek into coaching beginning on April 27th. 

No obligations, no commitments, just get your questions answered and learn what this "BeachbodyBusiness" is all about. 

Message me if you are interested!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Don't be Afraid.

Don't be afraid to start where you are. Don't be scared to take your before photos. It's these photos that will show you how far you have come. Someday, you will look back and not even recognize the other person in the photo. You will have changed for the better. You will be healthier: mind, body and spirit. It's good to see where you have come from.

I was there too. I know what it's like to feel uncomfortable in your own skin. I know that gut wrenching feeling as you walk into your closet dreading trying to find an outfit because you know nothing fits right. In the end, you throw on a sweatshirt which even further drives your shame in your body into your heart. I know how it feels to cross your arms over your belly or grab a pillow or your purse to hide it. 

I want you to know that your future is 100% in your hands. Beyond all the excuses and fear is a strong, confident woman struggling to get out. It's time to make a change and let her out. As your coach I want you to know whole heartedly that YOU deserve to feel your best everyday. 

Are you ready? I want to help. Email me at I'm here for you and will be for as long as you need. If you are in 100% in, so am I. 💕

Sunday, April 12, 2015

3 Day Quick Fix

Let's talk about the 3 Day Quick Fix. I did this mini eating plan last week on Thursday, Friday and Saturday to prepare for my upcoming photo shoot on Monday! I am so excited but also wanted to lean out and de-bloat before it! This plan is perfect for someone wanting to lose a few pounds, detox from sugar or high carb diets, even get your digestive system back on track. I would strongly suggest this program to anyone who is near the end of their fitness program, adding this plan would boost their results and make the most out of all their hard work. This would also be great for getting wedding ready or to kick start your health and fitness.

Before I go into my results let me give you all the details and the meal plan!

*Space your meals about 2 to 2 1/2 hours apart

*Steamed veggie options recommended are broccoli, asparagus, green beans, zucchini, cucumbers, or bell peppers

*Seasonings allowed are lemon and lime juice, vinegars, and spices. Reframe from using salt!!

*Oatmeal can be flavored with cinnamon, nutmeg or ONE packet (1/2 tsp) of Stevia

*Drink at least one gallon of water a day. Spread it out as much as possible. Start with a warm cup of water with fresh squeeze lemon juice first thing in the morning.  Drinking enough water will be crucial and help you feel full while it flushes toxins from your system.

*Drink the extra-virgin coconut oil with meals (I use Organic Spectrum Extra Virgin Coconut Oil). To prepare it, place the desired amount into a microwave save bowl and cook it for 10 to 15 seconds or until melted.

*Coffee or tea is okay to drink, but avoid creamers and sweeteners - except stevia. Again, you can use one packet or 1/2 teaspoon.

*There is no need to alter your workouts. The 3 Day Quick Fix can be used anytime. It is also recommended using it during the last three days - and ONLY THREE DAYS for maximum results!

So this meal plan is pretty strict but don't concentrate on that. Even I made a few minor changes here and there and still saw amazing results.

Here are the changes I made:

Breakfast was exactly the same everyday which I actually didn't mind at all. I'm normally a person that needs variety but this worked for me! I did have my coffee each morning!! 

For Meal 2 I used Shakeology  and just ate the yams on the side. You know I can't go a day without my shakeo :)) plus its a red container anyways so I was still getting the protein as recommended! This also gave me a meal where I didn't HAVE to cook. As I already had my yams steamed, all I had to do was make my shake and heat up the yams. Perfectly easy for so early in the day!

Me with one of my favorite recipes!
1 scoop chocolate shakeology, 1 cap full of almond extract,
1 tsp. cinnamon, water and 4 ice cubes!

Another change I did was the fish. I only ate it once per day. Eating fish twice seemed a bit much and I honestly didn't know if I could do it. I did however eat a chicken burger in its place for Meal 3. You can find my recipe here >> Spinach Chicken Burgers . Yes I know this doesn't exactly follow just eating a lean protein but I needed something I could make ahead of time and just reheat it. This worked for me and I didn't have to waste the ground chicken I had in the fridge :)

One more change I made was to the protein for Meal 6. I changed it to chicken since that is what I had in hand.

I know this meal plan can seem super strict BUT one way to combat that is by using SPICES to change up the flavors. Steer clear of salt but everything else is fair game! Be careful of the premixed spices as most tend to have salt in them!

Here is my favorite spice mixture for the FISH and CHICKEN.

Sprinkle each of these ingredients onto your protein. You don't need a lot! Just a sprinkle!

Fresh cracked Black Pepper
Garlic Powder
Onion Powder
Dried Basil

Meal 5 with my seasoning mixture from above
 and steamed zucchini!

The best part was the results. 

I will be the first to say that I didn't weigh myself before I started. I wasn't looking to lose weight nor did I want to so I totally wasn't even thinking about it. SORRY! Next time I will :)

How I FELT and LOOKED however was amazing!! First off my stomach felt perfect! No bloating or uneasy feeling. I was eating all day it seemed so I was never hungry or overly full. My stomach was flat and my abs were actually starting to poke through which is extremely exciting after having three babies! I was full of energy and could feel a huge difference in my digestive system.
This was Friday! I was feeling amazing! The bloat was
completely gone and I felt full all day!

If you are considering doing this plan I would love to support you while you do it! Sometimes all it takes is knowing that someone is there to help and keep you accountable in order to finish and not cheat! I will be your person! Shoot me an email ( or fill out the contact form at the bottom of this page and I'll be in touch.



Coffee is my morning hug in a cup. It's definitely a comfort food of mine that helps me wake up and feel like actually doing something with my day. I love it and I used to love creamers in my coffee. As you can imagine that adds up if you have 2 cups of coffee each day with creamer... That's a lot of dairy and extra sugar that you really don't need. 

So when I friend told me about the coconut oil and blender idea I really wasn't super excited to try it. I love the creaminess that creamer gives you but I was willing to at least try it once. 

Here is what I did:

1. Brewed my favorite coffee
2. Poured a cup worth into my blender and put 1/2tsp. of coconut oil in.
3. Blended it for a few seconds and it was done!!

I have to say I was a little surprised that I liked it so much! It tasted like a vanilla latte! I'm bummed I hadn't tried this earlier actually! 

How do you like your coffee!? Do you think this is something you would actually try? 

Friday, April 10, 2015

Stop and Think

It's pictures like these that make me stop and think about how far I've come since I started this journey almost a year ago.

I've learned that--

* the negative comments about yourself are more detrimental than anything.

* confidence doesn't come from what size you are or aren't. It comes from accepting yourself and truly loving the person you are, inside and out.

*feeling happy and healthy are priceless.

*being around by 1 person who genuinely cares about you is better than being around 10 who have no clue who you are.

*exercising is the best stress reliever and mood booster ever

*good food= happy body

*healthy comes in different sizes
The picture on the left is of the 15 year old me. The picture on the right was taken today. The difference between these two pictures goes way deeper than just what you can see.

In high school and pretty much most of my adult life I struggled with my weight and how I looked. I would often compare myself to my peers and always ended up feeling worse about who I was. My confidence was at an all time low and I let negative thoughts about myself consume my life.

Now I feel happy and healthy. Im stronger both mentally and physically because of the things I've done over the past 11 months. I've found my confidence and now when those negative thoughts creep in I quickly hush them with positive affirmations. I am not ashamed of my body. I am proud of what I have been able to achieve after having three babies.

What happened that prompted this change? Beachbody. I can say without a doubt that through the support, accountability and love I've received I was able to pick myself up and better myself as a person. Inside and out I am changing and it's been an amazing journey.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Spinach Chicken Burgers

Burgers. I love burgers. They are amazing and so easy. There are so many ways to make them that it's never ending what you can create!! 

Here is a recipe I modified from Sole for the Soul. The best thing about these is that you can make them ahead of time and just reheat them throughout the week. They don't really need buns either!! This are chuck full of flavor, very juicy and oh so yummy! 

Spinach Chicken Burgers

*1 pound ground chicken
*1 cup wilted spinach (I just tossed from fresh spinach in a bowl, added some water, covered it and microwaved it for 20 seconds!)
*1/2 of a small yellow onion roughly chopped
*1 garlic clove or 1tsp chopped garlic
*2 green onions roughly chopped 
*2T balsamic vinegar 
*2 tsp. Soy sauce
*1 tsp. Lemon juice (fresh!)
*1/2 tsp. Chili powder
*1/2- 1 tsp. Black pepper (you can change this to for your taste!) 
* 1/4 cup shredded sharp cheddar (I did not add this to mine!)
*1/2 cup Panko bread crumbs

1. In a small bowl mix together the vinegar, soy sauce, lemon juice and chili powder. Set aside.
2. In a food processor add the spinach, onion, garlic and green onion. Mix until well combined and all the big pieces of onion are gone. 
3. In a big bowl put the chicken and add the spinach mixture. Combine well. (This is where you would add the cheese if using)
4. Add the vinegar mixture into the chicken, mix to combine. 
5. Next add the panko bread crumbs and pepper. Stir just until well distributed. 
6. Make four burger patties (to do this easily I form one big ball and pat it out a little. Then I score it in a + with my hand. This will give you 4 even patties!). Place patties on a plate, cover and refrigerate for at least an hour or so. This will give time for all the flavors to blend! 

***When you are ready to cook preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Grab a rimmed cookie sheet and a skillet. Heat a skillet to medium-high and add 1tsp. oil (I used coconut, olive oil would be good too!). If you need to do two batches add some more oil for the second batch! Brown each patty on both sides and place on a rimmed cookie sheet. Bake for 20 minutes or until internal temperature reaches 165!!***

I hope you love these burgers as much as my family did!! I had mine with sautéed mushrooms and mustard with a side of steamed zucchini, no bun or cheese needed!! 

Id love to hear your opinion on these and as always, feel free to share!! 

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Easter Sunday!!

This holiday we decided to stay home and relax. We had nothing prepared, other than the Easter baskets of course, and I was planning on just making a simple chicken dish for dinner. Nothing fancy but sometimes all that matters is that you are with family. 

Our dinner was very simple. I chopped up some veggies and chicken, threw them into a casserole dish, seasoned it and drizzled with some chicken broth and white wine then into the oven to roast. Seriously that simple. It's clean eating made easy without having to clean tons of dishes or think ahead too much. You could really use any veggies you have on hand! 

Here's the recipe:

Simple Chicken and Veggie Roast 

2 chicken breasts cut into 1 inch pieces
3 medium red potatoes cut into bit sized pieces
1 cup tomatoes chopped (I used grape and just halved them)
1/2 a bunch of asparagus cut into 2 inch pieces
1/2 of a yellow onion roughly chopped
1/2 cup chicken broth
2 tsp. basil (I used dried but fresh would be great too)
2 tsp. white wine
salt and pepper

1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees
2. Get out your chicken and season with salt and pepper; set aside.
3. Grab your casserole dish and spray it so nothing will stick
4. Put all the chopped vegetables into the dish. I did layers starting with the potatoes, then asparagus and onions finishing with the tomatoes.
5. Next add the chicken around the top of the veggies. 

6. In a small cup or bowl mix the broth and wine together. Drizzle over casserole.
7. Cook for about 45 minutes or until chicken is fully cooked through. (Half way I took the casserole out and gave it a good stir.)

If you try this recipe I would love to know how you like it!!! Come back and post a comment and by all means SHARE this with family and friends ;)

Happy (late) Easter from our family to yours!! 

Friday, April 3, 2015

Chocolate Chip Banana Muffins

Bananas and chocolate are a match made in heaven so when we had a few too ripe bananas I was instantly wanting muffins! The problem with most muffin recipes is that they are filled with flour, oil, sugar and butter. I came across this recipe from Running with Spoons and decided to give it a try. Not going to lie, the greek yogurt in them scared me but I went for it anyways!! 

They came out GREAT!!! The muffins were moist and not overly sweet. The banana flavor came through nicely and even the kids liked them :) 

Here is the recipe! 

Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins 

2 ripe bananas
1 cup plain greek yogurt
2 cups rolled oats (old fashioned or quick)
2 eggs
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 1/2 tsp. Baking powder
1/2 tsp. Baking soda
1/2 cup dark chocolate chips (mini or regular) 

1. Get out your muffin tin and SPRAY the cups. Spray the cups even if you are using paper ones. The lack of oil in these muffins makes them stick to everything!! I made this mistake. Please spray!!! 

2. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

3. Place all ingredients into a blender or food processor and blend until smooth. If using a blender you may have to stop it and stir it a few times! 

4. Add chocolate chips and stir. 

5. Fill muffin cups 3/4 of the way and sprinkle a few chocolate chips on top if wanted. 

6. Bake for 15-20 minutes or until center is completely cooked. 


Max 30 Transformation!

Forgive me, please!? This post is WAY late but better than never right!?

Alright let's chat about Max 30. As you probably already know, or if you don't-now you do, my journey with Beachhbody started with Shaun T's Focus T25. I LOVED this program. So when Mr. T put out another program boosting 30 minute workouts, I was all about trying it. I definitely love Shaun's style and his videos are always challenging and motivating. Max 30 here I come as I anxiously purchased my copy...

I started Max 30 on January 13th and ended March 1st (you see now why I said this post is SO late 😳).

Anyways, I did one 30 day round of the Max 30. It consisted of 5 workouts on a set schedule with Saturday and Sunday being rest days. To put it lightly, this program kicked my behind daily! Unlike T25 you do get mini breaks but believe me, you NEED them. The program uses a measuring system called your Max Out time. This is where you write down when you have to stop following along. The goal is the up your time each week.

In the workouts you are going all out. Hardcore cardio, using your body to lift and work your muscles. It may not sound like much but after doing burpees or pushups, you will understand why it works! This program uses a tabata style of working out which is high intensity movement for 20 seconds and rest for 10 seconds. You can do anything for 20 seconds they said, its just 20 seconds they said. Well those 20 second intervals where killer and totally upped my fitness game.

Not only are the workouts awesome, but the nutrition plan is even better! This program uses the 21 Day Fix plan so you have exact measurements on how much one serving is. The nutrition guide lays out how to go about figuring out what bracket you fall in. This gives you how many servings per food group you need daily making counting calories non existent and staying on track much easier. In the nutrition book there are tons of recipes and sample meal plans as well. It seriously can't get any easier. 

My Results:

When I began Max 30 I was looking to tone up and increase my endurance for my runs. Throughout the program I noticed that my Max Out time kept climbing. I was no where near being able to complete the entire video without stopping but I was going longer each time. I also noticed that my runs got easier and faster. Big win for me there!! 

Max 30 definitely helped me tone my mid section and legs! I lost 1/2 an inch off my waist, 1 inch off my hips and a 1/2 an inch of each of my thighs. 

Max 30 is definitely a program to use when you want to tone, lose weight and even increase endurance for other activities. I used it to help me train for my 1/2 marathon and it delivered! 

Thinking maybe this program would be right for you!? Drop your email below or message me and we can chat! Id love to help you with your health and fitness goals!! 
