Friday, April 3, 2015

Max 30 Transformation!

Forgive me, please!? This post is WAY late but better than never right!?

Alright let's chat about Max 30. As you probably already know, or if you don't-now you do, my journey with Beachhbody started with Shaun T's Focus T25. I LOVED this program. So when Mr. T put out another program boosting 30 minute workouts, I was all about trying it. I definitely love Shaun's style and his videos are always challenging and motivating. Max 30 here I come as I anxiously purchased my copy...

I started Max 30 on January 13th and ended March 1st (you see now why I said this post is SO late 😳).

Anyways, I did one 30 day round of the Max 30. It consisted of 5 workouts on a set schedule with Saturday and Sunday being rest days. To put it lightly, this program kicked my behind daily! Unlike T25 you do get mini breaks but believe me, you NEED them. The program uses a measuring system called your Max Out time. This is where you write down when you have to stop following along. The goal is the up your time each week.

In the workouts you are going all out. Hardcore cardio, using your body to lift and work your muscles. It may not sound like much but after doing burpees or pushups, you will understand why it works! This program uses a tabata style of working out which is high intensity movement for 20 seconds and rest for 10 seconds. You can do anything for 20 seconds they said, its just 20 seconds they said. Well those 20 second intervals where killer and totally upped my fitness game.

Not only are the workouts awesome, but the nutrition plan is even better! This program uses the 21 Day Fix plan so you have exact measurements on how much one serving is. The nutrition guide lays out how to go about figuring out what bracket you fall in. This gives you how many servings per food group you need daily making counting calories non existent and staying on track much easier. In the nutrition book there are tons of recipes and sample meal plans as well. It seriously can't get any easier. 

My Results:

When I began Max 30 I was looking to tone up and increase my endurance for my runs. Throughout the program I noticed that my Max Out time kept climbing. I was no where near being able to complete the entire video without stopping but I was going longer each time. I also noticed that my runs got easier and faster. Big win for me there!! 

Max 30 definitely helped me tone my mid section and legs! I lost 1/2 an inch off my waist, 1 inch off my hips and a 1/2 an inch of each of my thighs. 

Max 30 is definitely a program to use when you want to tone, lose weight and even increase endurance for other activities. I used it to help me train for my 1/2 marathon and it delivered! 

Thinking maybe this program would be right for you!? Drop your email below or message me and we can chat! Id love to help you with your health and fitness goals!! 


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