Monday, March 30, 2015

Happy Monday!!

It's MONDAY again!!! Call me crazy but I'm pretty excited about today>> no I haven't lost my mind 😁!

I woke up today bursting with energy and it only grew when I checked in with my March 16th challenge group. Those ladies are crushing their goals and putting in some serious hard work but having fun while doing it. Our little group has become a community of supporting, caring women many of who have never even met face to face. That's the beauty of challenge groups ❤️!! I am so blessed to have the opportunity to work with them! 

Kicking off today is my new training program!! Double day- cardio and weights!! Plus its supposed to be another beautiful day here in Oklahoma which will be perfect for my run this evening! 

Breakfast this morning was eggs, oatmeal, and a banana!! It was great and totally filling!! 

Have an amazing Monday my friends ❤️

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Plan and Prepare Equals Success

Happy Sunday!!! 

Today is my plan and prepare day for the upcoming week but we decided to add something new in too....

We decided to head to the zoo for a little family fun before the weekend ends. I packed up a bunch of snacks and water into our little cooler, loaded everyone in the car and off we went. To fend off all the zoo goodies I made myself and my hubby a shake! It was the perfect sweet, chocolatey goodness to keep my mind off the fried dough and ice cream while we were there!! 

We had a blast!! Our zoo has a few new babies, a gorilla and an elephant, so it was great to see them! My son, who is one by the way, insists that every animal is a "googie" aka dog! He points and yells GOOOGIE at every single animal we pass. It's hilarious and quite entertaining for the people around us as they all laugh. 

It was a perfect outing for our family on such a beautiful day!! 

OKAY-- now for the planning part! Earlier that day I made our meal plan and grocery list so while the kids were napping from a fun time at the zoo- we could hit up the grocery store ;)! No worries, the hubby stayed in the car while I ran in. Much better that way :)! 

Here is the Meal Plan I shopped for this week-

This week also starts a NEW training program Im starting!! Its a hybrid between Body Beast and running made my yours truly :) Im thrilled to start it!!! Ill be using Body Beast to build muscle while running three-four times per week for my cardio and 1/2 marathon training! So exciting and I get the best of both worlds! 

Here is my schedule-

Monday: Chest and Tris / 3.5 mile run

Tuesday: Legs

Wednesday: Back and Bis / 4 mile run

Thursday: Shoulders

Friday: Abs / 1.5 mile run

Saturday: 7+ mile run

Sunday: Rest

I am SO excited to start this and really start to push my body in different ways than before. Before photos have been taken and I'm ready to take you on this journey with me!! 


Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The calm after the storm

Living in Oklahoma has always been fun. In the spring particulary, where there are daily tornado and severe weather warnings. Today was the start of that. 

So we cleaned out our storm shelter and prepared a bag with all of our important documents, extra clothes, diapers, wipes, shoes, food, water and blankets. 

Nothing came above Oklahoma City so we were safe from all severe weather this time but the city of Moore was struck again. That poor city seems to be a tornado magnet!  

After the dark clouds had cleared the most beautiful double rainbow appeared right out it back door. It was absolutely beautiful. Two, full double rainbows! 

I managed to snap a picture of it but it doesn't do it justice. 

This was definitely the calm after the storm. Such a beautiful sight after hearing and seeing the destructive behavior of the tornados that just happened 20 minutes before. 

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Beachbody Training!

Rise and SHINE

☀️8 miles @ 10:16 pace☀️

I love my Saturday morning runs/ catch up sessions with my girl, Amanda. It was around mile 3.5 when I finally noticed how far we had gone. That is amazing! 

I am seriously in awe of how much my body has changed in the past 6 months. I could barely run a 5K at the Turkey Trot. I felt like I was DYING as I crossed the finish line. Now I feel great come mile 3 and even though I'm tired at the end, in this case mile 8, I still don't have crazy aches and pains nor do I have that "holy cow I'm going to collapse and die right here" feeling. 

What has happened in the last 6-8 months? Beachbody happened. I would be stupid to think that they didn't play a HUGE roll in my health and fitness. At home workouts trained and are continuing to train me for my running goals. Just 25 or 30 minutes a day is ALL I spent each day. I ran twice a week only until just this past week. 

It's incredible that Beachbody's home workouts are that effective in just 30 minutes per day but, hey, my company is awesome so it's no surprise. 

Are you looking to train for a race? Do you want to be able to take long walks with your husband or kids? Do you want to feel better? 
If you answered yes- then I have the perfect answer. Email me at so we can chat 💙

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Staying healthy while on vacation

Vacations. Is there anything better than going on vacation? It's a time to be able to relax and forget some of those stressors that life throws our way for even a little bit. It's nice to hop on a plane or jump in the car knowing you are getting to take a vacation in more ways than one. 

That is exactly how I felt when we boarded the plane to Florida. Happy to get out of Oklahoma and excited to visit with family and be able to go to the beach anytime I wanted.

Vacations are great but it's also a time where it's SO easy to get off track with your health and fitness. Will one or two cheat meals a week hurt? No definitely not. Will one WEEK of cheat meal hurt? Yes. 

Now I know what you are thinking... well if I'm on vacation Im definitely not going to watch what I eat or even take one step in a workout. But hear me out for a second. It's way easier to continue a healthy mindset throughout vacation than totally forget it and try to get back on track when you get back. 

Here are a few things that you can do to help keep a healthy lifestyle while still enjoying your vacation. 

#1- Look for healthier options while eating out. This doesn't mean they don't taste amazing. Last night I had a blackened Mahi Mahi with roasted asparagus and a sweet potato. IT WAS AMAZING and I felt great after eating it! You don't have to sacrifice taste for healthy. Just look for better options. Some key words to look for included: baked, roasted, steamed, and grilled.

#2- Take walks. You can head to the beach or to the local scenic area and walk around. Enjoy the view and learn about the place you are visiting. It won't feel like exercise but you will be working your muscles and heart nontheless!

#3 Always eat a healthy breakfast. For me, I am drinking Shakeology each and every morning. This gives me everything I need plus makes me full and my cravings curved. I also feel great all day which is more likely to keep me from on track.

#4 Keep healthy snacks in your purse or bag. Keeping your body nourished is the best way to avoid over eating. This will make it easier to stick to the correct portions and allow you to think clearly. 

#5 If you feel like exercising or doing a ️workout then DO IT! There is no harm is taking 30 minutes out of your day to work on yourself and stay on track. I am utilizing running and Beachbody On Demand this week so I can stay on track and not bring my DVDs. It's such a great tool to use on the go! 

Those are some of the things I am doing to help stick with my healthy lifestyle. Yes I have had a few cheats but nothing that would hinder my progress. You don't have to go ALL out in order to have a good time. I've had some amazing dinners out that are healthy and still really enjoyed it. No suffering here! 

Next time you are away try out some of these tips and I see how you feel. I can bet you will feel much better when you get home knowing you somewhat stayed on track!! 

Monday, March 2, 2015

Refresh and Reboot

A few weeks ago, as I was stuffing my face with some Valentine's Day treats, I felt out of control with my eating. I was letting my cravings take over and I definitely had many cravings since Id let my clean eating lifestyle slide a bit. While all those sweets tasted awesome, my stomach was in shambles. From eating too much dairy, processed foods and sugar I was experiencing regular stomach aches and pains that I didn't have before. I was bloated and my face was breaking out like crazy.

So I decided it was time to do something about it! I ordered the 3 Day Refresh and got some friends to join in with me for a 10 day challenge group! 

So yesterday, Sunday, I created my meal plan for the week. The first three days follows the 3 Day Refresh and the last part is sticking to a clean eating diet. In my challenge group we will be talking about tips and tricks for getting through the Refresh and later helping them keep the results they got from the Refresh by using Shakeology and clean eating! 

Here is my 7 day meal plan!!!

As well as making my meal plan I also chopped all my vegetables and made some green tea so it will be an easy 3 days. The nice thing about the Refresh is that you still get to eat regular food. It's not a lot but it definitely helps knowing that it isn't all juice and shakes. I still get my Shakeology for breakfast so that is awesome! 
Today is Day One of the Refresh and I'm so excited to feel GOOD again with no cravings to fight!! 

 Stay tuned for my day one review later!!! So far it's going great :)

***Thinking about joining my next 10 Day Bikini Challenge?! Fill out this form for more information!