That is exactly how I felt when we boarded the plane to Florida. Happy to get out of Oklahoma and excited to visit with family and be able to go to the beach anytime I wanted.
Vacations are great but it's also a time where it's SO easy to get off track with your health and fitness. Will one or two cheat meals a week hurt? No definitely not. Will one WEEK of cheat meal hurt? Yes.
Now I know what you are thinking... well if I'm on vacation Im definitely not going to watch what I eat or even take one step in a workout. But hear me out for a second. It's way easier to continue a healthy mindset throughout vacation than totally forget it and try to get back on track when you get back.
Here are a few things that you can do to help keep a healthy lifestyle while still enjoying your vacation.
#1- Look for healthier options while eating out. This doesn't mean they don't taste amazing. Last night I had a blackened Mahi Mahi with roasted asparagus and a sweet potato. IT WAS AMAZING and I felt great after eating it! You don't have to sacrifice taste for healthy. Just look for better options. Some key words to look for included: baked, roasted, steamed, and grilled.
#2- Take walks. You can head to the beach or to the local scenic area and walk around. Enjoy the view and learn about the place you are visiting. It won't feel like exercise but you will be working your muscles and heart nontheless!
#3 Always eat a healthy breakfast. For me, I am drinking Shakeology each and every morning. This gives me everything I need plus makes me full and my cravings curved. I also feel great all day which is more likely to keep me from on track.
#4 Keep healthy snacks in your purse or bag. Keeping your body nourished is the best way to avoid over eating. This will make it easier to stick to the correct portions and allow you to think clearly.
#5 If you feel like exercising or doing a ️workout then DO IT! There is no harm is taking 30 minutes out of your day to work on yourself and stay on track. I am utilizing running and Beachbody On Demand this week so I can stay on track and not bring my DVDs. It's such a great tool to use on the go!
Those are some of the things I am doing to help stick with my healthy lifestyle. Yes I have had a few cheats but nothing that would hinder my progress. You don't have to go ALL out in order to have a good time. I've had some amazing dinners out that are healthy and still really enjoyed it. No suffering here!
Next time you are away try out some of these tips and I see how you feel. I can bet you will feel much better when you get home knowing you somewhat stayed on track!!
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