Monday, November 30, 2015

Monday Motivation! Get UP and DO IT!

Sometimes there is just no sugar coating it...

It just sucks to get out of your warm comfy bed while everyone else in the house is sleeping. BUT waking up a tiny bit earlier, like 30 minutes, to work your body will do AMAZING things for you!!
Not only will get you get your workout in and out of the way, you will feel more energize and motivated throughout the rest of the day! PLUS exercise makes you feel healthier, making those sugary treats look less appetizing because you don't want to ruin all your hard work.
Now tell me that isn't doable! If I can do it, SO CAN YOU!!

-- I'll be your wake up support buddy, just email me at!


Sunday, November 29, 2015

The Master Hammer and Chisel

Hi Friends
Here's the deal, there is this new program coming out and it's going to be AMAZING so I wanted to invite you to my test group!
This program is the perfect combination between cardio and weight lifting WITH full meal plans for building muscle, shredding fat or toning.

--->This IS the best gender neutral program around because it can be tailored to exactly what YOU want to accomplish. Perfect couple workout! The hubby and I are doing it together!! <---

•Workouts are 30-40 minutes long
•Simple portion controlled nutrition system designed towards YOUR goals
•Yummy recipes w/ sample meal plans
•1:1 coaching and support
•Online accountability group

**you will need SOME equipment so to help you with this I'm offering either a $15 dollar gift card OR a resistance band with your purchase of a challenge pack! **

We will START preseason on December 7th, making the LAST day to join the 9th!

To check out results & other information go to the link below!! If interested, RSVP to save your spot or simply email me at and we will get you all set up!!