You know that place that calms your soul and truly lets your mind & body rest...
Can you picture that place? Can you see what you are doing? How you feel? What you smell? The sounds that surround you?
My place is the beach. The warm sun surrounding me, the sand between my toes, the waves hitting the beach, people talking & kids playing in the distance. Just laying there smelling the coconut lotion and sea breeze. Doing nothing. Just being.
That is my place ☝🏼️
Since I can't do that on the reg, I've been try to recreate some of that here. It's so important to go to your place even if it's just for 5 mins a day. Your place can help you reset & just BE instead of thinking, doing, running around in busy chaos.
One of the ways I've been doing this is by mediating. & taking my mind to the beach. As crazy as it sounds- it works.
I NEVER believed in meditation. For some reason I always thought meditation and prayer were totally different. Meditation was for weird people. Prayer was for me. (I KNOW- totally dumb)
Lately, God has brought people into my life who have given me a TOTALLY different outlook. I never thought I'd be that person but I feel like it's a deeper session of prayer & handing over your mind to God.
I'm definitely still working on it & remembering to do it everyday but the more I integrate it into my life the more it's benefiting everything around me.
Let me say this-- opening your eyes to the different things and doing them, WILL help you achieve the things you want.
It's as the saying going- The same actions give you the same results. Change it up and watch what happens.
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